Module 2: Lesson 7
Organizing Your Freezer
Cleaning Out Your Freezer: What ancient treasures will you discover?
If the thought of tackling your freezer sends you into a panic, you're not alone. Luckily, Margot is here to help... and today's video takes you through everything you need to get started.
We've also got two resources for you today that we think will be helpful -- download them both below before you get started!
One is an outline of the process, plus a list you can use ahead of time to make sure you've got the right tools for the job. The other is a printable freezer inventory sheet that will help you keep track of exactly what's in your freezer, and make sure the hard work you do today keeps you organized for weeks, months, and years to come!
We recommend printing it out and pin it straight to your freezer door.
As always, if you run into any trouble (or want to share any victories!) with today's lesson, let us know over in the Facebook group. Happy organizing!
Here is What's Coming Next
Next up are fantastic ways to extend the freshness of all that beautiful produce you buy.
You won't want to miss this! We're revealing our favorite, super-easy secrets that deliver unbelievable results. You'll be so impressed; you'll want to shout it from the rooftops!
Community Starts Here!
When we work together, we achieve more. Be part of the conversation, get answers, motivation, encouragement, and celebrate your wins. See what is happening in the MMK Facebook Community Here!
Also, we know this course might be introducing you to a lot of new concepts. That's not just okay... it's wonderful! If you have questions about anything you're learning, just hit reply to this email. Margot and I will make sure you get squared away."
This course provides general information on food safety, expiration dates, storage, and handling. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the content, it may not reflect the most current guidelines or regulations, which can vary by location.
Please note that no guarantees are made regarding the amount of money saved or the reduction of food waste as a result of implementing the course material. Individual results may vary based on personal circumstances and application.
For specific advice, consult with qualified professionals, and always adhere to product labels and official guidelines. The creators of this course are not liable for any loss, injury, or damage arising from the use of this information, including but not limited to foodborne illnesses, spoilage, or financial loss. Actions taken based on the course content are at your own risk.