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Module 1: Lesson 10

Thoughtful Discussion

A Thoughtful Discussion on All You've Learned

Welcome to a new day in becoming a Mindful Foodie! I’m grateful for your participation in last week’s food waste awareness activity… and today, we’re taking the next steps!

Let’s take a moment to reflect on something really important—what food did you throw away this week, and why? If you completed the tracking activity, I applaud you, because it gives you a clear picture of your habits and opens the door to positive changes in your home. But even if you didn’t, I bet you’ve already started noticing your food waste more than before, and that’s a powerful step.

I’d love for you to think about a few questions:

  • What surprised you most about your food waste?

  • What three items are you wasting the most?

  • How did you feel seeing how much was thrown away?

  • What could you have done to reduce that waste?

Now, let’s make this even more impactful. Pick one of those items you tossed. How could you have used it instead? This is where the fun begins—thinking about what you could’ve created with that food is the first step in getting creative in the kitchen. And if this feels tough, don’t stress. You’re here to learn, and that’s exactly what we’ll be diving into in the next three modules.

But now it is also time to start up the discussion with your kids.  Watch the video and download a fun family activity and let the games begin!

It's also the first week we're asking you to plan to interact with our Facebook group by sharing more about your experience with the course. Building community is such an important part of what I hope you gain from becoming a Mindful Foodie, so I’m excited to see what you share!

🔽Food Waste Action Plan PDF

Here is What's Coming Next

Next, we’re diving into a concept that might be new to you—but it's going to change the game for saving money and creating a low-waste (or even zero-waste) kitchen. This idea is one you might not know yet, but trust me, you’re about to.

Our article Flowing Toward Sustainability is a great lead-in to this lesson, if you'd like a sneak peek!

Community Starts Here!

When we work together, we achieve more. Be part of the conversation, get answers, motivation, encouragement, and celebrate your wins. See what is happening in the MMK Facebook Community Here!

Also, we know this course might be introducing you to a lot of new concepts. That's not just okay... it's wonderful! If you have questions about anything you're learning, just hit reply to this email. Margot and I will make sure you get squared away."

MMK Method Facebook Group.png


This course provides general information on food safety, expiration dates, storage, and handling. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the content, it may not reflect the most current guidelines or regulations, which can vary by location.

Please note that no guarantees are made regarding the amount of money saved or the reduction of food waste as a result of implementing the course material. Individual results may vary based on personal circumstances and application.

For specific advice, consult with qualified professionals, and always adhere to product labels and official guidelines. The creators of this course are not liable for any loss, injury, or damage arising from the use of this information, including but not limited to foodborne illnesses, spoilage, or financial loss. Actions taken based on the course content are at your own risk.

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